logiCRAFT-CC-Premier Kit Contents

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The logiCRAFT-CC-Premier Companion Chip kit includes the popular BeagleBoard-xM open development platform with the ARM® Cortex™-A8 based processor (TI's OMAP™) and the logiCRAFT-CC platform with the programmable Xilinx® Spartan®-6 FPGA companion chip.

The BeagleBoard-xM runs Ubuntu operating system based on Linux distribution. The Xilinx Spartan-6 LX150T device implements several application specific logicBRICKS IP cores which work as peripherals fully integrated with the host processor.
Kit users can use the USB as the interface between the FPGA device and the BeagleBoard's  processor. The provided reference FPGA designs, with evaluation versions of the logicBRICKS IP cores, can be used as bases for in-house developments and can save months of development time. The USB firmware is provided to kit users free of charge. The pre-designed USB interface allow designers to focus on the rest of the system and its differentiating functions.

Xylon provides a full set of Linux drivers for all logicBRICKS IP cores included in the reference FPGA designs, as well as demo software applications for Linux.

logiCRAFT-CC-Premier kit includes:


- logiCRAFT-CC board including Xilinx Spartan-6 LX150T FPGA
- BeagleBoard-xM board with the ARM Cortex-A8 based processor (TI's OMAP)

Reference FPGA Designs*                                                                                                                

- USB** design for Xilinx Spartan-6, compatible with the Xilinx Platform Studio and EDK tools

* Xylon delivers all described reference designs with the kit. The above listed design run on the provided kit hardware.

** The reference designs users must have valid licenses for Xilinx development tools. The USB reference design includes evaluation version of Xilinx xps_usb_device2 IP core.

logicBRICKS IP cores                                                                                                                        

- logiWIN Versatile Video Input
- logiSDHC SD Card Host Controller
- logiUART Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
- logiPCIECTRL*** PCIe Companion Chip Controller (VHDL source code)
- I2S_PLB IP core

*** Unless otherwise stated, Xylon provides the evaluation IP cores with the kit

Applications and Drivers                                                                                                                  

- Linux drivers for all logicBRICKS IP cores used in the provided reference FPGA designs
- Firmware for the Xilinx MicroBlaze™ CPU that handles USB communication
- Ubuntu Linux distribution on the bootable SD memory card
- Linux applications to demonstrate: video frame grabber for camera, SD memory card control, I2S audio control.

Read more about the provided demos and see the logiCRAFT-CC video gallery.


- Hardware User's Manual
- logicBRICKS User's Manuals
- SW Manuals
- Schematics

Cabling and Adapters                                                                                                                        

- SD memory card with the pre-installed OS for the BeagleBoard-xM
- power supply
- PCIe extender cable
- USB cable
- SD extender cable
- 2x open-end parallel cable for the logiCRAFT-CC extender connector

More about Companion Chip Kits:

- logiCRAFT-CC-Base
- logiCRAFT-CC-Elite

More about Companion Chip Solutions:

- Companion Chip - Introduction
- logiCRAFT-CC Kits
- Companion Chip Reference FPGA Designs
- Companion Chip Software Drivers
- Rapid Prototyping
- Companion Chip Demo
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