Evaluation IP Cores

Xylon delivers all logicBRICKS IP cores in AMD Vivado™ IPI or Platform Studio (XPS) and the EDK compatible format. Users can access them in the same manner as AMD IP cores.

Xylon offers free evaluation logicBRICKS IP cores which enable full hardware evaluation.

Evaluation logicBRICKS IP cores can be downloaded as a cross-platform Java JAR self-extracting installer. Please make sure that you have a copy of the JRE (Java Runtime Environment) version 6 or higher on your system to run Java applications and applets.

Double-click on the installer's icon to run the self-installing executable to unpack and install the reference design on your PC.

With the evaluation logicBRICKS IP cores you can:

- instantiate IP cores within the AMD Vivado™ IP Integrator or Platform Studio
- parameterize them through the GUI interface
- simulate the behavior of your system (post-synthesis and timing)
- generate bitstreams
- evaluate generated bitstreams in hardware

logicBRICKS evaluation IP cores are time-limited and cease to function after several hours. Proper operation can be restored by reloading the bitstream. Besides the run-time limitation, there are no other functional differences between the evaluation and fully licensed logicBRICKS IP cores.

Your company can get one evaluation license per product per year. If your company already uses Xylon's IP core evaluation license, you cannot automatically obtain a new evaluation logicBRICKS IP license. In this case, please fill in the request form for an additional evaluation license.

Get your evaluation logicBRICKS IP core here!

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