logicBRICKS HMI on MicroZed from Avnet Electronics Marketing


logiREF-DISP-MicroZed is a free and downloadable logicBRICKS reference design that showcases the MicroZed™ evaluation kit from Avnet Electronics Marketing, working as a Linux-based System-on-Module (SOM) with a graphics touchscreen HMI, which is connected to an I/O Carrier Card and the 7-inch Zed Touch Display Kit from Avnet Electronics Marketing.

Demo deliverables include evaluation version of the Xylon's first official release of the logiCVC-ML advanced display controller IP core that is compatible with the Xilinx Vivado® IP Integrator (IPI) design and verification environment. The logiCVC-ML IP core supports multiple graphics layers, hardware accelerated layers blending, different pixel formats and video output formats, and comes with software drivers that assure a smooth integration with the Linux operating system. To learn more about logicBRICKS software support for non-Linux operating systems - CLICK HERE!

Besides the display controller IP core used in this demo design, Xylon offers 2D and 3D graphics accelerator IP cores that can be evaluated by the logiREF-ZGPU-ZED graphics engine reference design for the ZedBoard™ Evaluation Kit from Avnet Electronics Marketing.

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