Bit Block Transfer 2D Graphics Accelerator
Key Features
- Try Before Buy - No cost and no obligation!
- Supports AMD Zynq™ 7000 All Programmable SoC and FPGAs
- Available software drivers for:
- Linux (including Qt 5.x support)
- Microsoft Windows Embedded Compact
- Bare-metal for no-OS
- Porter & Duff compositing rules with or without global alpha blending factor
- Integrated bitmap flipping and optional up/down scaling
- Color keyed transparency and anti-aliased 8-bit font expansion
- Objects moves in positive and negative directions without picture artifacts caused by overlapping
- Supported image formats: RGB8, ARGB8, RGB16, ARGB16, RGB24 and ARGB24
- Control of pixel alpha blending factors
- ARM® AMBA® AXI4 and AXI4-Lite bus compliant
- Available for AMD Vivado™ IP Integrator and ISE® Platform Studio
This 2D graphics accelerator speeds up the most common GUI operations and off-loads the processor. The logiBITBLT transfers graphics objects from one to another part of system's on-screen or off-screen video memory, and performs different operations during transfers, such as ROP2 raster operations, bitmap scaling (stretching), Porter & Duff compositing rules or transparency. The logiBITBLT is fully embedded into AMD Vivado™ and ISE Design Suites and its integration with on-chip AMBA AXI4 bus is very simple. Parametrizable VHDL design allows for tuning of slice consumption and features set through an easy-to-use GUI interface. The logiBITBLT can be smoothly integrated with other logicBRICKS, AMD or third-party IP cores for building of high-class embedded graphics solutions. Extensive software support for Linux and Windows Embedded Compact operating systems, as well for no-OS operation, enables quick and efficient development through industry standard design flows. Jump-start your developments with Xylon's free reference designs.