Key Features
- Advanced HOG/SVM object classification core for support of Pedestrian Detection in camera-based video systems
- Supports the AMD Zynq™ 7000 All Programmable SoC
- ARM® AMBA® AXI4-Stream compliant video input
- AXI4-Lite compliant registers interface
- Supports resolutions up to 1024x1024
- Support for multiple scale detection
- Run-time variable image size
- High Input Data Rate; > 120 Mpixel/sec
- High Throughput; >7.6 GMAC/sec for the classification stage
- Low latency (< 8 lines)
- Classifier trained on wide range of automotive scenarios
- Prepackaged for the AMD Vivado™ Design Suite
- If you are interested in FPGA implementation, please contact Xylon
The logiPDET block is an HOG/SVM-based pedestrian detection IP core, developed for vision-based embedded applications, from the Xylon logicBRICKS IP core library. The algorithm follows a discriminative approach. It combines a HOG-based descriptor and a SVM classifier. HOG (Histogram of Oriented Gradients) is a descriptor designed to encode pedestrian structure. SVM (Support Vector Machine) is a non probabilistic binary linear classifier. The core works at a single scale, i.e. the classifier is trained to recognize pedestrian at a fixed size. Extension to multiple scales is given by inserting the core in a framework that provides it with a sequence of re-scaled versions of the same input frame. In this way it is possible to detect pedestrians moving in an arbitrary range of distance.
 | The logiPDET core is sourced from Technology Partner EVS Embedded Vision Systems Srl. |