IP Cores - logiDROWSINE

Driver Drowsiness Detector (Replaced by ARTIEYE suite)

Key Features

  • Optimized for AMD Zynq™ 7000 Adaptive SoC
  • Driver drowsiness detector based on the video input from the optical camera
  • Real-time detection rate set to 10 fps
  • Monitors facial movements and estimates drowsiness states
  • Xylon has developed a measurement optical system that enables detection through sunglasses and during night driving
  • Road verified on a fleet of test vehicles driven by professional drivers
  • ARM® AMBA® AXI4-Lite bus compliant registers interface
  • Controlled by a single CPU core with a lightweight software library
  • Prepackaged for the AMD Vivado™ Design Suite
  • Reference demo available as a part of the logiADAK kit

Check out the logiDROWSINE raw footage from a test vehicle: VIDEO CLIP!


The logiDROWSINE is a computer vision IP core that detects driver drowsiness and distraction based on facial movements monitored through a camera placed in a vehicle cabin. The IP core monitors movements of the driver's eyes, gaze, eyebrows, lips and head, and continuously tracks nine facial behavioral features that indicate drowsiness: PERCLOS, microsleep, yawn and others. Based on the behavioral features tracked during driving, the implemented classifiers recognize seven levels of drowsiness that can be used as driver alerts or inputs in other ADAS applications.

The logiDROWSINE is carefully partitioned between hardware and software to assure high performance and optimal utilization of the AMD Zynq™ 7000 AP SoC. The complete driver drowsiness SoC design, which consists of the logiDROWSINE, logiFDT and other IP cores, fits into the smallest AMD Zynq™ SoC and uses only a single CPU core. It is prepackaged for the AMD Vivado™ Design Suite and IP deliverables include the software driver, documentation and technical support.

Visage Technologies AB
logiFDT I SDK Face Tracking and Analysis engine is sourced from our Technology Partner
Visage Technologies AB

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