Hardware Platforms - logiTAP

logiTAP Platform for Embedded GUI System Developments (Out of Stock!)

Key Features

  • Xylon logiCRAFT6 board with the XC6SLX45T Xilinx® Spartan®-6
  • 7“ 800x480 LCD color touch display
  • 256MB DDR2, 16MB QSPI Flash, 2GB SD-Card Flash
  • Video and Audio Inputs/Outputs
  • Reference FPGA design with Xylon logicBRICKS and Xilinx LogiCORE® IP
  • Third-party support: GUI libraries and GUI builders
  • Preloaded demo applications for automotive, industrial, medical and consumer markets


The logiTAP is an excellent example of the powerful GUI embedded system utilizing very cost-sensitive hardware. The kit offers a complete framework for embedded designers developing GUI applications. The logiTAP combines Xylon's logiCRAFT6 display development board, an integrated touch screen LCD panel, and logicBRICKS IP core library. Xylon provides the reference design, built by Xylon evaluation IP cores, along with the Xilinx EDK integrated software. The Xilinx MicroBlaze soft-CPU controls all of the system functions. The kit can be used with several third-party graphic software development tools allowing for a full set of graphics rendering features. The logiTAP comes preloaded with several GUI application demos that showcase versatility and maturity of the supplied hardware and software. The logiTAP users can evaluate every detail of the system: FPGA design, software drivers, demo applications, and the PCB design. The platform can be customized in different was to fulfill various users' requirements.
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