Xylon je high-tech elektronička kompanija fokusirana na razvoj i proizvodnju testnih uređaja za automobilske ADAS/AD sustave, IP jezgri i elektroničkih sustava baziranih na programibilnim FPGA i SoC čipovima. Od osnutka 1995. godine ističe se u područjima napredne obrade videa, sustava računalnog vida i AI sustava. Xylon izvozi više od 95 % proizvoda i usluga, a među klijentima su i neke od globalno najpoznatijih tehnoloških kompanija.
Nudimo ti stimulativna primanja i nagrađivanje po rezultatima rada, edukaciju i kontinuirano učenje, rad u malim timovima u poticajnom radnom okruženju i fleksibilno radno vrijeme. Ako si pouzdana, dinamična, kreativna i odgovorna osoba spremna na timski rad i dokazivanje u poticajnoj radnoj sredini, te ukoliko želiš skupa sa nama raditi na najnaprednijim hi-tech projektima u Hrvatskoj, pozivamo te da pogledaš našu ponudu poslova, prihvatiš izazov i da nam se predstaviš.
We are looking for a junior- senior Test Engineer, responsible for developing software components for automated testing of in-house developed hardware and software. You will work closely with software engineers and quality assurance teams to identify and resolve integration issues, ensuring the delivery of high-quality products.
- Design, implement, and maintain functional automated test cases
- Troubleshoot test failures to help developers research the root cause of defects
- Create and maintain automation scripts
- Build test infrastructure/environments to support automated testing
- Enhance test processes and mechanisms (enhance our pytest-based testing framework)
- Document tests and testing environments
- BS or MS degree in the technology-related field
- Python programming skills (or skills in other languages)
- Advanced written and spoken English skills
- Strong attention to detail and the broader picture
- Commitment to quality
- Proactiveness, flexibility, and willingness to learn
- Ability to work both independently and as part of a team
- Object-oriented programming skills
- Working knowledge of Jenkins
- Experience with .NET platform and C# language
- Working knowledge of SQL relational databases, preferably PostgreSQL
- Knowledge of Ethernet, CAN, LIN, UART protocols
- Knowledge of Unified Modeling Language (UML)
What we offer:
- Incentive payment and rewards based on work results
- Opportunities for education and continuous learning
- Work in a stimulating environment with flexible hours
- Work in small teams on world-class hi-tech projects
We are looking for mid-level or senior software engineers to develop and maintain Linux kernel drivers, as well as embedded application software. Projects are in the field of automotive test equipment and HIL simulators.
Experience with technology (not all are mandatory):
1. Linux kernel drivers and/or Yocto integration:
We are looking for mid-level and senior software engineers to design embedded Linux applications and kernel software drivers, as well as embedded firmware software. Preferred experience in some of the areas of work listed below (not a requirement).
Areas of work:
1. Linux kernel drivers and/or Yocto:
- Linux driver development for Xylon FPGA components. Yocto build system integration.
- Predominant use of C programming language and GNU tools.
2. Application firmware:
- Application and library development, predominantly in C++ programming language. Mostly for embedded ARM Linux platforms, and sometimes for x86 Linux/Windows.
- Use of different programming interfaces: DRM, V4L2, Qt, FFMpeg, OpenGL 1.x/2.x, OpenCL, Cuda, Gstreamer.
- Use of different libraries for image processing, e.g.: feature tracker, optical flow, face/gaze/pedestrian detection (DNN), lens calibration, camera system calibration.
3. Embedded firmware:
- Bare-metal/RTOS drivers; management of various peripherals such as cameras, serializers, flashes; CAN, UART, Ethernet, I2C, DMA communication.
- Predominant use of C programming language. Occasional looking into datasheets of components and PCB schemes, and occasional use of an oscilloscope.
- BS or MS degree in the technology field
- Advanced writing and speaking skills in English
- Results and goal orientation, teamwork skills
- Proactiveness, flexibility and willingness to learn
- Advantage (not a requirement): embedded electronics skills, embedded systems (Linux, RTOS) programming, C++ programming language skills
What we offer:
- Incentive payment and rewards based on work results
- Education and continuous learning
- Work in a stimulating environment with flexible hours
- Work in small teams on world-class hi-tech projects
Test/Support inženjer (junior/senior) radi u timu koji razvija uređaj logiRECORDER Automotive HIL Video Logger te surađuje s timovima inženjeringa, proizvodnje i nabave kako bi kontinuirano poboljšavao izvedbu proizvoda i procesa.
- pružanje obuke i tehničke podrške klijentima
- poboljšanje procesa testiranja
- kontrola kvalitete proizvoda
- provođenje procedura i dokumentacije potrebne za in-line & end-of-line testiranje proizvoda
- VŠS/VSS tehničkog smjera
- napredno znanje engleskog jezika u govoru i pismu
- usmjerenost na detalje, analitičke vještine
- sposobnost donošenja odluka i rješavanja problema u zadanom roku
- izražena proaktivnost, pedantnost, fleksibilnost i želja za učenjem
- iskustvo rada s multimetrom, osciloskopom
- prednosti (nije uvjet): poznavanje digitalne elektronike, programiranje embedded (Linux, RTOS) ili FPGA sustava, poznavanje CAN,LIN,UART, I2C, Ethernet protokola, poznavanje C/C++, C# ili Python programskih jezika
Što nudimo:
- stimulativna primanja i nagrađivanje po rezultatima rada
- edukaciju i kontinuirano učenje
- rad u poticajnom radnom okruženju i fleksibilno radno vrijeme
- rad u malim timovima na vrhunskim svjetskim hi-tech projektima
posao@logicbricks.com Position summary:
Account Executive with a future vision to lead Xylon sales. You'll fit right in if you are energetic and eager to win. You will be responsible for the next leap of sales, and the development of Xylon's sales.
Neovisno o trenutačno otvorenim pozicijama, javite nam se i predstavite otvorenom molbom za posao koji Vas zanima, za stručnu praksu, studentski posao ili bilo koji drugi oblik suradnje.Vaš životopis je prva informacija koju ćemo vidjeti o Vama – istaknite svoje vještine i postignuća.
Prijedlozi za podatke koje volimo vidjeti u bilo kojoj prijavi za posao:
- Opis projekata na kojima ste radili ili kojima ste upravljali. Koja su bila Vaša zaduženja i odgovornosti? Kako ste mjerili uspjeh?
- Ako ste nedavno diplomirali ili imate ograničeno radno iskustvo, opišite studentske projekte, tečajeve, hobi uratke u slobodno vrijeme
- Pokažite nam neki kod. Navedite Github, Bitbucket ili sl.
Što nudimo:
- hi-tech posao s najboljima za najbolje na svijetu
- edukaciju i kontinuirano učenje
- rad u poticajnom radnom okruženju i fleksibilno radno vrijeme
- rad u malim timovima na vrhunskim svjetskim hi-tech projektima