Xylon is Xilinx Alliance Program Premier Member and UltraFast Certified Member
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ザイロンは2000年からXilinx Alliance パートナーに加盟しています。Alliance programは、Xilinxと有力なサードパーティー開発企業が協力して推進するプログラムです。幅広い産業規格に対応したソリューション開発により、Xilinx programmable logicの利用拡大に寄与しています。Xilinxはprogrammable logic デバイスのトップメーカーです.

OKI アイディエス はOKI(沖電気工業株式会社)のグループ企業として、映像、音声、通信、高速データ転送、産業用機器、医療用機器等のファームウェア、ハードウェアの開発、販売、コンサルティング、製品受託開発を行っております。 OKI アイディエスは、日本国内にてザイロンのlogicBRICKSに基づくADASテクノロジーの使用が認められている、ザイロンの推奨開発パートナーです. 詳細はこちら

eVS embedded Vision Systems is an engineering company founded in 2005 designing computer vision systems on embedded architectures for applications in industrial automation, security, automotive and marine.
The staff is composed by a highly skilled team of engineers whose expertise regards image and video analysis, software and FGPA design. eVS cooperates in partnership with several research and industrial groups.

Northwest Logic, founded in 1995 and located in Beaverton, Oregon, provides high-performance, silicon-proven, easy-to-use IP cores including high-performance Expresso Solution (PCI Express 3.0, 2.1 and 1.1 cores and drivers), Memory Interface Solution (DDR4, DDR3, DDR2, LPDDR3, LPDDR2, Mobile DDR SDRAM; RLDRAM 3, RLDRAM II), and MIPI Solution (CSI-2, DSI).

Xylon is Design & Reuse partner. Design & Reuse (D&R) was founded in October 1997 as a web portal for added-value information in the field of electronic virtual components, i.e. IP (Intellectual Property) and SoC (System-On-Chip), with an early success. It is the world's largest IP cores web catalogue.

Xylon is a member of ASAM, the Association for Standardization of Automation and Measuring systems. ASAM defines and maintains MDF, FIBEX and other standards for tool chains heavily used in automotive development and testing. .

The Core Store provides an online marketplace where IP providers can, at no cost, list their IP products to a global audience of IP buyers. For IP buyers, the Core Store offers a safe, anonymous site where you can search for IP without anyone contacting you—unless you ask them to!.
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