Xylon at ADAS&AVT Expo California 2024

Meet Xylon at ADAS & Autonomous Vehicle Technology Expo California 2024

Meet Xylon at ADAS & Autonomous Vehicle Technology Expo California in San Jose, August 28-29, 2024.

It’s the leading expo and conference for every aspect of ADAS and autonomous vehicle testing, development and validation technologies, taking place every year in California and Europe.

Come to our booth #4015, where you’ll be able to see our live automotive demos.

Watch the videos below to see our demos in action.

Our CEO, Davor Kovačec, explains the closed-loop multi-sensor HIL solution from Xylon and Cognata, which seamlessly integrates photorealistic simulation technology with compact and highly configurable hardware. Powerful and cost-effective!

Our logiRECORDER Director, Jura Ivanovic presents our high bandwidth data logging demo, showing you how the XYLON QUATTRO solves the most advanced requirements of today’s automotive industry.

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