During the booting process on the Zynq UltraScale Z1-ZCU102 board, user received the following (or similar) error messages on his terminal connected to the Z1-ZCU102 board :
>li2cWrite error 0x1
>li2cWrite error 0x1
>ERROR w FMC_IO_EXP_ADDR! Reg_addr: 1, data: 0x1
>DVI output NOT initialized.
If such error messages appear, FMC boards connected to the Z1-ZCU102 are most likely not programmed properly. By default if an FMC board is connected, the system controller reads from its FMC EEPROM. If the FMC EEPROM is empty, or the default voltage is out of range of 1.2V, 1.5V or 1.8V, the controller will set it to 0V.
The SD card image of the logiADAK-VDF-ZU deliverables contains EEPROM images. Use the following commands to program them (programming is done on the target from the Linux):
cat /mnt/fmceeprom_FMC_HDMI_CAM.bin > /sys/bus/i2c/drivers/at24/14-0050/eeprom
cat /mnt/fmceeprom_FMC_FPD3-MultiCAM.bin > /sys/bus/i2c/drivers/at24/15-0050/eeprom
Check the VADJ voltage on the Z1-ZCU102 board using a multimeter, the board Z1-ZCU102 has VADJ test point (marked as J94 on the Z1-ZCU102 board ), just below the DDR4 memory component. The voltage measured on that test point must be in the allowed range of the Z1-ZCU102 board. |