
How to import a new IP core into Vivado project
How to import a new IP core into Vivado project?

Steps to import a new IP core into Vivado project:

1. Create Repository folder. The folder where you want Vivado to look for the IP core. We recommend logicbricks\src.

IMPORTANT: Full path to the folder must not contain any spaces!!!

2. In the Vivado tool open Project Settings window: Tools->Project Settings and select IP section in the left column.

3. In the IP section, under Repository Manager tab click Add Repository or green '+' icon and add Repository folder (created Repository folder, logicbricks\src)

For Vivado 2014.4 and earlier versions:

4. Create a new folder where you want to place new library (zip archive of the IP-XACT packaged IP core). We recommend logicbricks\lib.

IMPORTANT: Full path to the folder must not contain any spaces!!!

5. Put the zip archive of the IP-XACT packaged IP core into the created folder.

6. In Tools->Project Settings, under IP section select added Repository folder (logicbricks\src) and click on the Add IP... button. Brows for the zip archive of the IP-XACT packaged IP core in logicbricks\lib folder and select it.

7. When the IP has been added click OK button to close the Project Settings window

8. The added IP will be visible in the Xilinx IP Catalog under the section designated in the IP-XACT package scheme of the IP. For example, logiCVC-ML IP core will be set under section Video & Image Processing.

For Vivado 2015.1 and later versions:

4. Unzip archive of the IP-XACT packaged IP core to created Repository folder (logicbricks\src), for example: -> logicbricks\src\logicvc_v4_2_1\

5. Once the IP is in Repository folder, it will be visible in the Xilinx IP Catalog under the section designated in the IP-XACT package scheme of the IP. For example, logiCVC-ML IP core will be set under section Video & Image Processing.

Now the IP is available in the Vivado tool and can be added by simply selecting it from the IP Catalog!

Additional Comments

If the IP core has its own custom made interfaces, they will be located in logicbricks\if folder. This folder is located in the folder structure of the installed IP core.

We recommend to add another Repository in Repository Manager: your local logicbricks\if. Copy custom interface xml files from logicbricks\if (IP core installation location) to your local logicbricks\if folder.

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