
logiMLB - How should I configure C_BUFF_ALMOST_EMPTY and C_BUFF_ALMOST_FULL parameters
How should I configure C_BUFF_ALMOST_EMPTY and C_BUFF_ALMOST_FULL parameters?
logiMLB channel FIFO can store 512 32-bit words. C_BUFF_ALMOST_EMPTY and C_BUFF_ALMOST_FULL parameters define a FIFO full/empty level at which the user will be informed. For example, if RX synchronous channel started receiving data its FIFO will start filling. When C_BUFF_ALMOST_EMPTY words are written in it, the logiMLB interrupt will signal the user that this amount of data is ready for servicing. The exact number to configure these parameters depends on the responsiveness of the system and user application so it cannot be predefined. However, a good recommendation is to place them at 1 and 3 of the FIFO size. This relates to 128 and 384 for C_BUFF_ALMOST_EMPTY and C_BUFF_ALMOST_FULL respectively.
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