Xylon at PLC2 FPGA Days 2015

> 16.-18. June 2015, Stuttgart (Germany)

Xylon participated at FPGA Days 2015 event organized by Xilinx® ATP (Authorized Training Provider) PLC2 (Programmable Logic Competence Center).

At the conference Xylon offer 2 presentations:

1. Designing Graphics HMI on Linux OS with the Qt Library Support (Abstract)

Xilinx Zynq®-7000 All Programmable SoC is used throughout industrial automation systems to add intelligence, flexibility, and high precision control. With Xylon high performance graphics solutions, designers can easily add cutting edge HMIs to their highly integrated controller design without adding additional chips. In this session, we shall discuss necessary SoC IP core for high-res graphics rendering and explain the necessary steps for logicBRICKS graphics engine integration into the Zynq SoC running Linux OS. Through the session we shall explain the necessary software architecture within the Linux OS and demonstrate quick HMI building and previewing by the QtCreator tool on the PC. The demonstration will include short presentation of Xylon logiQPA 2D acceleration plugin for the Qt application framework. The developed simple HMI shall be ported from the PC to the Zynq SoC target platform. The session shall be closed by a live demonstration of the pre-built ISM HMI on the evaluation platform and short presentation of graphics support for Microsoft® Windows® EC on the Zynq SoC platform.

2. Xylon Image Signal Processing (ISP) Pipeline (Abstract)

Assuring high quality video input for smarter vision embedded systems, from machines that see to high-end broadcast cameras, requires implementation of Image Signal Processing (ISP) pipelines. The ISP pipeline digitally processes and enhances the quality of an input video stream and collects video statistics data for use in video control algorithms. During this session, we shall describe the ISP application landscape and explain the theory of operation of the main ISP pipeline modules, present the Xylon logiISP ISP pipeline IP core for Xilinx All Programmable and demonstrate its operation on the MicroZed EVK Kit from Avnet Electronics Marketing. The prepared demo application enables full control, i.e. switch on/off and reprogram of implemented ISP modules, which shall be used to correlate the explained theory with the observed the impact on the video signal quality. The session shall be closed with a discussion about the future Xilinx All Programmable applications needing the ISP pipeline and presentation of the Xylon logiISP Roadmap.

Exhibition program -  Xylon presented demo systems:

1. The ISP demo - Free Reference Design Available!
2. The Face Detection and Tracking demo - Free Reference Design Available!
3. Industrial HMI demo designed by Qt on Linux OS - Free Reference Design Available!
4. logiRECORDER Multi-Channel Video Recording ADAS Kit - MORE INFO!


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