To all people of Japan


To all people of Japan!

Our deepest sympathies go out to the victims of the earthquake and tsunami. We want to send a message of hope to all people of Japan and let you know that you are not alone in this tragic situation. All Xylon employees participated in collecting donations for Japan and we would like to call everyone to join us in helping those in need.

Entire Xylon Team


An unsere Mitmenschen in Japan!

Wir trauern mit all denen die so viele Verluste in dieser schweren Zeit erlitten haben. Wir wünschen ihnen viel Mut und Kraft für die kommende Zeit. Alle Xylon Mitarbeiter und viele Freunde spenden für Japan und rufen dazu auf, denjenigen zu helfen die in solcher Not sind.

Ihre Xylon Belegschaft


Poštovani japanski prijatelji!

Tugujemo sa svima Vama u ovim teškim trenucima i vjerujemo da ćete smoći snage i hrabrosti da ih prevaziđete. Niste sami. Svi zaposlenici Xylona svojim donacijama sudjeluju u pomoći pogođenom narodu Japana, a ovim putem pozivamo i sve druge da nam se u tome priključe.



Japanese Red Cross Society
Croatian Red Cross Society
German Red Cross Society
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

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